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Black Male Healing In Plain Sight


Rev. Robert Kelley is the founder and president of Open Door Communication Ministries, Inc. and pastored the St. Mark Baptist Church of Portland, Oregon at the time this was published.


(Editor´s Note: This is the last in a two article series urging soul sick black males to accept the healing offered by Jesus Christ.)


A sick man at the pool of Bethesda in 1st century Jerusalem and most black American males today share in common being sick and a bewildering question from our Creator: "Do you want to be made well," (John 5:6, NKJV)? We also share in common the fact we have been sick a long time and the source of our healing is in plain sight before us!  However, the way the 1st century sick man and soul sick black American males today deal with the opportunity to be healed is very different.


In response to the Lord´s question, "Do you want to be made well?" the sick man at Bethesda told Him he had no one to help him get to the water after it was stirred up and he could not get there fast enough to beat his competitors (vs. 7).  Unlike the vast majority of black males today who answer the Lord´s question with outright refusal, self-pity induced unbelief and prideful denial, the sick man at Bethesda answered Him in the affirmative by truthfully declaring the real obstacles he had to obtaining his healing.


You see, to his credit, the sick man at the pool called Bethesda was there precisely because of his "against all odds" hope that he might make it to the water.  He had positioned himself on purpose in the throng of sick folks to wait for his chance to be healed in the pool if he could get there first when the water was stirred by the angel; the pool that was in his plain sight.  With soul sick black males nearly two thousand years later, it is not a matter of getting to the healing source first, it is getting there at all!


Black males have had the source of our healing in plain sight for longer than we have been sick, but most have not even positioned themselves to reach out and receive it.  The fact is, the Lord Jesus Christ is the healing source who has been in our midst, in plain sight, since our ancestors were torn from West Africa (Acts 17:26-28).  He righteously did the tearing because of our sins and He stood in the midst to heal those who looked to Him in faith (Hosea 5:14-6:1)!


The relative few men during slavery who thoroughly turned to the Lord in response to the gospel were spared the soul sickness that has afflicted the majority of black males since.  This majority who has chosen to interpret and cope with their experience in ways other than through faith in Christ and a biblical worldview, have in truth, brought upon themselves and passed on to their sons, the classic symptoms of the soul sickness. They have also willfully taken themselves out of position to receive the Lord´s healing.  The Lord Jesus is still in plain sight through the gospel.  But not positioned with faith, these men, among whom I once also had my place,  cannot access His healing.


I want it to be absolutely understood I am not attempting to excuse or give excuses to black males who out of their sickness, sin.  Neither am I trying to coddle our men whose symptoms (ex. anger, powerlessness, despondency, hate, guilt etc.) taken individually are such as are common to the human experience in a fallen world.  However, I am seeking to get anyone who will listen to understand that these potent, inadequately addressed legacies of slavery and racism mixed together in black males are why so many have consistently had "issues" of one kind or another since slavery.


The matter is compounded when it is also understood racism is not just a past, but still very present problem in American society.  As well, the sins of the fathers and dysfunction in black homes do impact the children.  Thus, many young black males (and females) are deeply embittered at their parents and society!  The black community is sitting on a powder keg of inadequately addressed mental and emotional issues that will finally explode in a fiery blast of self-destruction if not dealt with.


Jesus Christ is the healing source in plain sight if we will turn to Him!  However, most of the leaders within the churches among black Americans--from whom logically the proclamation of the good news about Him should come as a first priority--has and have had their priorities wrong. For instance, the eradication of racism and discrimination with justice has been a commendable priority of many since the end of slavery.  Truly all of our pastors might have been working on that lofty goal while also attending to the higher priority (in accord with their "call") of leading their flocks, the men especially, to seek the Lord´s healing!


In addition, all of our pastors should have been equipping the Lord´s sheep with the coping skills of a biblical worldview so they could persevere and live victoriously in a racist society.  But alas, the priorities of the Lord were (and are) not the priorities of many of these men as Satan, sin and self have worked their corruption among them.  Moreover, the soul sickness common to black males also grips many of our spiritual leaders so that now, too many look to governments instead of Christ for the healing they and our men need.


Let me take one final opportunity to invite Portland area men to this Ministry´s Releasing The Strong Man Seminar February 18th and 19th.  You must pre-register.  In this seminar we explain the sickness and lay out the cure, Jesus Christ, in plain sight!  Because of this seminar, no man in Portland can tell Jesus, "I had no one to help me get to the healing in You."  


©2005 Open Door Communication Ministries, Inc